Caesarea Masonic Lodge No. 64 F&AM
60 Osborn St., Keyport, NJ 07735
Phone: 732-739-2212

Welcome to Caesarea Masonic Lodge No. 64 F&AM New Website



I hope that this message finds you all in good health
as we approach the month of April. I am very
excited to see the work that our brothers here at
Caesarea are putting in at our meetings and at our
rehearsals. I’m noticing a lot of brothers stepping up
and volunteering for ritual work. I’m noticing
brothers helping each other at lodge as we approach
some important dates in the next couple of months.
I’m honored to be a part of this lodge that works so
well with each other especially when times can get
tough. Trust me when I tell you that during times of
stress all the hard work you have put in practicing
and training will help you get the job done. I would
like to take you back to the year 1912, specifically
April 15th during the sinking of the Titanic. It was
recorded that there were 29 brothers on board the
ship. They all had different stories, most of the
stories are records of them helping others. One story
I read was of a first-class passenger named John
Baumann. Not much is recorded of this brother
other than he was seen putting his wife onto the last
lifeboat and stepping back to be with his friend,
another mason named Henry Harris. These two
men, being wealthy first-class passengers, could
have easily tried to get on the lifeboat however they
both knew that regardless of their status, every
human being has a claim upon their kind offices. I
have no doubt in my mind that these 29 brothers
who were on the Titanic remembered their training
during this stressful time. They remembered the
duties that were frequently inculcated in their minds
to be a good man and a mason. My brothers keep up
the good work! I’m looking forward to seeing you
all in lodge soon!


Christopher P. Menendez

Worshipful Master 2024

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