Caesarea Masonic Lodge No. 64 F&AM
60 Osborn St., Keyport, NJ 07735
Phone: 732-739-2212

Welcome to Caesarea Masonic Lodge No. 64 F&AM New Website



As we now enter the month of June, I
would like to thank everybody for all their support
in the first half of the year. These first six months
went by fast and soon the lodge will be dark. As we
go through the dark months, I would like to assure
you all that there is plenty of light at the lodge and
plenty of brothers fellowshipping throughout the
summer. This month I would like to bring your
attention to a specific date in history, June 6th. This
is not only the date of the D Day invasion in 1944 but
this is also the date that I came home from
Afghanistan in 2013. This is a special date in history
remembering the way the world was during World
War Two but even more special if you are a Mason.
Many people overlook the significant role that
Freemasonry played during the war. The Germans
at the time were not only looking to target the Jews
but they were also looking to end Freemasonry.
General Erich Von Ludendorff, who joined Hitler,
published the anti-freemasonry book The
Destruction of Freemasonry through the Disclosure
of it’s Secrets, in which he claimed that Freemasonry
was controlled by the Jews (Stanford, 2013). As the
war escalated and Germany gained more territory
the Gestapo would ransack all Masonic lodges for
member lists. During Nazi control Freemasons in the
free world emerged as key leaders in the fight. The
heads of state of both Great Britain and the United
States were Freemasons. Sir Winston Churchill the
Prime Minister of Great Britain was raised in
Rosemary Lodge No. 2851 in London and both
Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S.
Truman were Masons (Stanford, 2013). I have no
doubt in my mind that the Masonic leadership
during this dark time remembered that they have
promised at their respected alters to befriend and
relieve every brother who shall need their assistance
and they answered the call. I ask that you reflect on
this time during the month of June and I would like
to wish all the fathers a Happy Father’s Day.

Christopher P Menendez

Worshipful Master 2024

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